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Grade 4 - MY BODY

Anchor 1
Anchor 2

Let's try some New Words:

External -  present outside-வெளிப்புறம்:

Internal -  present inside- உள்:

Organ-  Body part- அங்கம்:


External Organs

It's located on the outside of the body. 

We can see them

internal organs.jpg

Internal Organs

It's located on the inside of the body. 

We cannot see them

Nervous System

Nervous System


  1. Brain 

  2. Spinal Cord 

  3. Nerves




Nerves are like wires that send the signals between different parts of the body 

spinal cord.jpg

Spinal Cord

Spinal Cord is a long tube-like structure filled with a bundle of nerves 

Curiosity Corner: 

Have you ever wondered why we breathe heavily when we run?

Watch the Video on the right to understand.

Let's Revise

inhalation process.jpg

Test Yourself

Draw the inhalation flow chart and sent it to your Sir/Miss.

Find Out

What happens when we breathe-in Carbon Dioxide and other gases? Debate it with your friends and find out.

Curiosity Corner:

Have you ever wondered what happens when we eat?

To understand watch the video on the right.

Tooth Anatomy

Curiosity Corner:

Have you ever wondered how does our body remove waste?

To understand watch the video on the right.

Test Yourself 

  1. How many kidneys do we have?

  2. What does the kidney do?

  3. The kidneys are ______ shaped.

Find the answers for the above and send it to your Sir/Miss

Curiosity Corner:

Have you ever wondered Why do we brush our teeth?

To understand watch the video on the right.


1. Can you count the number of teeth?

2. Draw your teeth



Complete the activity and send it to your teacher.

Activity 2

Draw the human body and label the different systems.


An organ system is a group of organs that work together as a biological system to perform one or more functions. Each organ does a particular job in the body and is made up of distinct tissues.



  • The part of the body above the neck

  • The body part of hearing

  • The body part that helps you write

  • The body part that helps you smell

  • The body part that helps you walk

Download and TRY

Check Answer

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CLICK HERE to play the Memory Game

Nervous System

Anchor 3

Watch the Video to Understand functions of the Nervous system:

Test Yourself

Parts of a Brain:


Forebrain / Cerebrum  - Thinking

Midbrain / Cerebellum - Body balance

Hindbrain / Medulla Oblongata -  Controls breathing and heartbeat

Watch the video on the left to understand the different parts of the BRAIN

Respiratory System

Anchor 4

The respiratory system consists of

  1. Airways to carry air between the lungs and surroundings

  2. Muscles that help air move in and out

  3. Lungs


Functions of the Respiratory system

Breathe - in / Inhale

  • We take in Oxygen

  • The lungs become big

Breathe - out / Exhale

  • We give out Carbon Dioxide

  • The lungs become small

Watch the video to understand the functions of Respiratory System:

Activity Corner





How many times do you breathe in One minute? Count and send the answers to your Sir/Miss.

Digestive System

Anchor 5

What is Stomach?

  1. The stomach is a ‘J‛ shaped bag found below the lungs.

  2. It breaks down food items

  3. It gives us energy.

  4. It contains special juice to breakdown food into energy.

Watch the video to understand the functions of Digestive System:

Test Yourself 

Circulatory System

Anchor 6
circulatory 2.jpg
circulatory system.jpg

Circulatory System consists of

  1. Heart

  2. Blood Vessels



  • Pumps blood to all parts of the body

  • in between the lungs almost in the centre of the chest

  • Has 4 chambers



  • Transport blood to all parts of the body

Excretory System

Anchor 7
Excretory system.png

The excretory system consists of

  1. Urinary Bladder- stores urine

  2. Ureter- tubes connecting the kidney and urinary bladder

  3. Kidneys

Anchor 8

Watch the video to understand more about teeth:

Tooth Anatomy


Good Touch - Bad Touch

Anchor 9

Have a look at this ppt in good touch and bad touch:

Watch This Video


Anchor 10

Audio Books

Anchor 11
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